About The Project
Pilot Hill Trails 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27 and 29
In 2020 the Pilot Hill Ranch was transferred to multiple public agencies under the management of Pilot Hill, Inc. At the same time a land use plan was developed for the property. The plan identified approximately 40 miles of purpose-built trails for hikers, bikers and equestrians. In 2023, Pilot Hill, Inc. hired TPT Trails, LLC. to construct Trails #10 and #25. In 2024, Pilot Hill, Inc. hired TPT Trails to construct all of Phase II of the trail plan, this included over 11 miles of new trail on Trails #20, Trail #21, Trail #22, Trail #23, Trail #24, Trail #26, Trail #27 and Trail #29.